Stakeholders in the Tenure-Track Process

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In 2010, Leibniz University Hannover became the first public sector university in Lower Saxony to be granted the right to appoint professors. In 2015, it became the first university in Lower Saxony and the ninth university in Germany to be awarded the seal of approval from the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) for fair and transparent appointment negotiations. When the right to appoint candidates was transferred, a centralised appointment management system was set up for quality assurance purposes. A large number of stakeholders are involved to ensure that all the formal and legal aspects of the appointment processs are carried out properly and that the selection processes are transparent and objective. 

The Presidential Board

The Presidential Board is the central player in the appointment process. It decides on approval processes and appointment proposals. In 2015, Leibniz University created a separate departmental role in the form of the vice president for human resource development. The Department for Appointment Matters assists the Presidential Board and faculties at all stages of the appointment process, from advertising professorship vacancies to adopting the appointments list.

University Bodies And Faculties

In addition to the Presidential Board, the central university bodies involved in the appointment process are the Senate and the Foundation Council and, in the case of tenure-track processes, the Leibniz Tenure Board. The dean’s offices and faculty councils, as well as the appointment commissions and decentralised equal opportunities officers, represent the faculties in appointment processes.


Additional Stakeholders

  • Leibniz School of Education

    Leibniz School of Education

    The board of directors at the Leibniz School of Education (LSE) is also involved as a decentralised stakeholder in appointment processes for professorships with a particular focus on teaching, as well as subject-specific teaching approaches and educational studies. As a cross-faculty body with faculty status, the LSE is responsible for managing teacher training and teacher training research at LUH.

  • Equal opportunities officers

    Equal opportunities officers

    Ensuring equal opportunities for all has been Leibniz University’s stated goal for two decades. The equal opportunities officers are involved in the approval process and as official members of the selection or appointment commissions in an advisory capacity.

  • Special needs representatives

    Special needs representatives

    When disabled people or people of equal status apply, the special needs representative is involved in appointment processes.


Dr. Justin Siefert
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover