Standard Process
Appointment processes at Leibniz University Hannover are geared to selecting the best candidates, increasing international competitiveness, and meeting the statutory equal-opportunity requirements.
The tenure-track regulations stipulate that all tenure-track professorships must be advertised publicly with reference to the tenure option and must be filled as part of regular appointment processes in compliance with the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act and the appointment regulations. Vacancies for junior professors (at a W1 pay grade) with tenure track to pay grades W2 or W3 are initially advertised for a fixed term of three years and can be extended for up to three more years after a positive interim evaluation. Tenure-track professorships at pay grade W2 to pay grades W2 or W3 are advertised for a fixed term of five years maximum.
The Fast-Track Process
Leibniz University Hannover aims to encourage excellent young academics, identify suitable professors at an early stage and retain them at Leibniz University Hannover. A special fast-track process is in place for outstanding junior research group leaders. When a new junior research group is acquired, the option of a tenure-track professorship is systematically examined as part of the application process. If a tenure-track professorship is established using the fast-track process, the appointment is made for a particular person without a call for applications.
Evaluation Process
The evaluation process is based on national and international standards and transparent criteria. To guarantee quality, external and international experts are involved. Proof of academic excellence and lecturing aptitude is pivotal to the granting of tenure.
The faculty which the tenure-track professor is assigned to assesses the candidate’s research and teaching performance. Research performance is also evaluated by an independent, external body of experts, the Leibniz Tenure Board. It issues a statement to the Presidential Board based on the candidate’s own report and two structured reviews by external experts.
Junior professors with tenure-track status
A two-stage evaluation process is in place for junior professorships. The first evaluation for junior professors (interim evaluation) takes place in the third year of a junior professor’s three-year fixed-term employment contract. It is the basis for extending the contract by a further three years, if justified by the incumbent’s research and teaching performance. A positive interim evaluation is required to apply for tenure-track evaluation. This takes place in the last year of the candidate’s employment contract, which is limited to a maximum of six years.
W2-pay-grade professors with tenure-track status
In the third year of their contract, a temporary W2-pay-grade professor sends the dean’s office an interim report which is based on the evaluation criteria listed in the target agreement. The dean, or a person appointed by the dean, conducts a structured status interview (which is recorded in writing) based on this interim report. The purpose of the interview is to contribute to reflection on performance and progress regarding the tenure criteria. At the request of the incumbent, the tenure-track evaluation is carried out by the faculty one year before the end of the employment contract. The result is made available no later than six months before the end of the employment contract.
30167 Hannover