Welcome to the "Africa" region website at Leibniz Universität Hannover. This page will help you navigate through the Africa partnership within Leibniz Universität Hannover and will be updated regularly with details and information on new and existing partnerships.
Africa, a continent with a rich diversity of cultures and habitats, is home to some of the most important research institutions and universities in the world. From the majestic landscapes of the savannahs to the lush rainforests, Africa's nature reflects the beauty and diversity of the continent. The people of Africa show remarkable adaptability and resilience in the face of the many challenges they face.
Africa is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy due to its rich natural resources and growing potential. At the same time, the importance of education and research on the continent is growing, with African universities and research institutions making important contributions to the global knowledge community. Africa stands for hope, innovation and cultural diversity, and its natural resources contribute to its unique position in the world.
University cooperation
Opportunities for a semester abroad in Africa
Students at Leibniz University Hannover have the opportunity to undertake study and practical placements of varying durations. Possible options include study visits lasting one or two semesters, research visits of at least four weeks to complete a student research project or thesis, or internships at institutes and research facilities.
It is important to note that most collaborations take place at faculty level and therefore the mobilities are part of the Freemover program.Further information on study opportunities can be found under the following link.
You can also find the direct contact details of the LUH faculty contact persons under the following link.
Projects between Leibniz Universität Hannover and Partner Universities/Institutions
Industrial use of bamboos in loadbearing structures
Project description:
Industrialization in Europe to replace increasing use of concrete and steel construction. Climate change now demands sustainable and competitive alternatives in the construction sector. The renewal material bamboos is excellently suited in the field of appropriate building technology.Contact:
Prof. Alexander Furche
Faculty of Architecture and Landscape
Institute of Design and Construction - Department of Structures
Partner university/institution:
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC)
PO Box 518
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Website: https://www.aau.edu.et/eiabc/Name of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Dr. Heyaw Terefe, Scientific DirectorType of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Student/staff mobility, PhD, study degree development (finished in 2018) -
Revival of earthen building in Germany
Project description:
Industrialization in Europe largely replaced earthen building with the increasing use of concrete and steel construction. Climate change now demands sustainable and competitive alternatives in the construction sector. The building material clay is excellently suited for this purpose.Contact:
Prof. Alexander Furche
Faculty of Architecture and Landscape
Institute of Design and Construction - Department of Structures
Partner university/institution:
Ecole Nationale d'Architecture de Tétouan- Morocco
AV. Baghdad, Touabel soufla, BP: 4403, 93040, Tétouan
https://enatetouan.ma/Name of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
M. Hecham El KharrazType of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Excursion, workshops -
Drivers of Change: Understanding the Process of Complex Technology Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Research is linked to the projects: (i) Shrubs for Change and (ii) Piloting incentive-based agricultural portfolios for nutrition and resilience in Zambia by World Agroforestry (ICRAF), funded by BMZ)
Project description:
The research aims at identifying determinants of the adoption process of complex agroforestry technologies and the analysis of specific incentives regarding the promotion of complex innovations. Further, small-scale farmers’ aspirations and their respective impacts on the adoption behavior will be analyzed.Website of the project:
Luzia Deißler
Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade
Supervisor: Ulrike Grote, grote@iuw.uni-hannover.de
Partner university/institution:
World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Nairobi, Kenya
https://www.worldagroforestry.orgName of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Dr. Kai Mausch
World Agroforestry (ICRAF)Type of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Student/staff mobility, PhD, study degree development (finished in 2018) -
Interrelations between refugee and host relations in rural Zambia: A dynamic agent-based modeling application
Project description:
The core goal of the LYIG project is to investigate the interrelations between refugee and host communities in rural Zambia in the context of the rising number of refugee movements and the corresponding challenge to create long-term solutions. The project develops and applies computer-based simulation models for scientific analyses based on collected case study area data.Project website:
Dr. Steven Gronau
Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade
gronau@iuw.uni-hannover.dePartner university/institution:
University of Zambia (UNZA), https://www.unza.zm/
Zambian Ministry of Agriculture
Zambian Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI)Name of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Dr. Beson Chishala, UNZA
Dr. Pamela Marinda, UNZA
Stanford Nkhoma, Ministry of Agriculture
Wages Mambo, Ministry of Agriculture
Davies Banda, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Dr. Martin Chiona, ZAType of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Involvement students (Bachelor, Master) in research
Cooperation in field research and implementation activities
Capacity building programs (workshops, summer school, etc.) -
Impact of wastewater irrigation of vegetables on physiological parameters, susceptibility to soilborne pathogens and soil properties (DFG funded)
Project description:
Increasing lack of potable water in several developing countries and more general in arid countries leads to the use of different wastewaters for irrigation of crops, vegetables and fruit trees. This research was initiated to investigate in a short-term assessment the effects of irrigation with wastewater in changing the physicochemical properties of the soil, the composition and the aggressiveness of the pathogens as well as the increasing risk of contaminating vegetable crops with heavy metals ions. This study will be followed by a long-term study carried out in Egypt under the same topic but with wastewater different in nature and origin.Contact:
Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock
Institut of Botany
Jutta.Papenbrock@botanik.uni-hannover.dePartner university/institution:
Cairo University, EgyptName of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Prof. Dr. Salama A. Ouf
Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, EgyptType of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Mobility of both PIs -
Impact of (eco) tourism on vulnerable ecosystems in the South of Egypt
Project description:
The PhD study includes a series of field surveys of dugongs and seagrass meadows inside a lagoon of Gorgonia House Reef and the nearby offshore seagrass beds to study dugongs habitat use, such as distribution, home range and core habitat, feeding behavior in sheltered and exposed areas, influence of the tourism activities on the dugong feeding, utilization of the inshore seagrass habitat as nursery areas for dugong calves, vocal communication and the acoustic recognition. These observations will provide critical information for space-based conservation of the dugong along the coast of the Egyptian Red Sea coast generally and Gorgonia House Reef specifically. Based on these and other data it will be analyzed whether the house reef is safer and cleaner with the activity of tourism under professional management.Contact:
Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock
Institut of Botany
Jutta.Papenbrock@botanik.uni-hannover.dePartner university/institution:
Abu Ghosoun Community Development Association (AG-CDA)/Gorgonia Beach ResortName of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
MSc Amgad El Shaffai:
Johannes Girardi:
jg@gorgoniabeach.netType of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
PhD study at the LUH, Faculty of Natural Sciences (Title: Studies on the Dugong's habitat at the house reef of the Gorgonia Beach Resort, Red Sea, Egypt); further development of a concept of ecotourism close to the Wadi El Gemal park in the South of Egypt especially involving plant species (such as Balanites aegyptiaca). -
UPSCALE (EU H2020) Sustainable agriculture, ecology, ecosystem services, social-ecological systems, climate change, resilience
Project description:
Push–pull technology is a strategy for controlling agricultural pests by using repellent ('push') and trap ('pull') crops. The EU-funded UPSCALE project aims to scale up the understanding and applicability of push–pull from individual fields to farm, landscape and regional scales, and from cereal to other crops and cultivation systems. By harnessing the benefits of push–pull technology, UPSCALE will catalyse the design and widespread implementation of climate-smart and environmentally friendly food production in East Africa and beyond.Project Website:
Emily Poppenborg Martin
Institut of Geobotany
poppenborg-martin@geobotanik.uni-hannover.dePartner university/institution:
See list on cordis: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/861998Type of cooperation activities (student/staff mobility):
Student co-supervision, collaboration within the project, student exchange (planned) -
Anglophone African literatures and cultures
Prof. Dr. Jana Gohrisch
Jana.gohrisch@engsem.uni-hannover.dePartner university/institution:
Department of English
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai (Niger State), NigeriaName of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Prof. Sule Emmanuel Egya
Professor of African Literature and Cultural StudiesType of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Student and staff exchange -
Extended π-systems based on bidirectional extension of arenes
Project description:
Ring opening / cyclization sequences of dicyclobutabenzene derivatives will be used to form oligoacenes. These deserve interest as model componds in medicinal chemistry as well as in materials sciences.Contact:
Prof. Dr. Holger Butenchön
Institut für Organische Chemie
(retirement on 30.09.2021)Partner university/institution:
Cairo University, Egypt
https://cu.edu.eg/HomeName of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdelshafy Abdelhamid (Chemistry Department, AvH-Fellow)
Prof. Dr. Amr Abdelmoniem (Chemistry Department, AvH Fellow, z. Z. als solcher in Hannover)Type of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Staff mobility based on AvH fellowships and research coopperation. -
HEAR Africa! Extending life and education opportunities of hearing impaired children in Tanzania
hearing impairment, capacity building, Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS), epidemiology, risk factors, Speech Language Therapy (SLT), Tanzania, bilateral cooperationProject description:
The aim of the project is to improve the participation and education opportunities of hearing-impaired children in sub-Saharan Africa via implementation of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and SLT services in the partner clinics and by building and expanding qualification structures for capacity building in the field.Prtoject website:
Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrike Lüdtke (Head of project), ulrike.luedtke@ifs.uni-hannover.de
Louisa Johanningmeier (project coordinator), louisa.johanningmeier@ifs.uni-hannover.de
In cooperation with the German Hearing Centre (Deutsches HörZentrum (DHZ)) of the Medical University Hannover (MHH):
Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. med. Thomas Lenarz (Director of DHZ)
Prof. Dr. med. Anke Lesinski-Schiedat
PD Dr. Angelika IllgPartner university/institution:
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Daressalam, Tansania https://www.muhas.ac.tz/
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC), Moshi, Tansania https://www.kcmc.ac.tz/
Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU), Lushoto, TansaniaName of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Dr. Enica Richard, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)Type of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Capacity building in ENT and SLT
Capacity building in international research
Curriculum development in undergraduate and postgraduate SLT program -
Computational Modeling of Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Materials (CM-HAMats)
Project description:
In the context of the non-linear computational mechanics, we develop, combine, and implement various methodologies to study heterogeneous and anisotropic materials over different length scales, with a particular interest in polycrystalline materials composites (synthetic and natural).Contact:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Raimund Rolfes
Institute of Structural Analysis
r.rolfes@isd.uni-hannover.dePartner university/institution:
Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan
https://www.sustech.edu/Name of the researcher based at the partner university/institution in Africa:
Dr.-Ing. Dr. Aamir Dean (Assistant Professor)Type of cooperation (student/staff mobility):
Staff mobility, Scientific support
Application for a partner university in Africa
Application deadlines
Application deadlines
The application deadlines and more detailed information on the respective application process will be provided by arrangement with the exchange coordinator of your faculty.
Application documents
- Curriculum vitae (in English)
- Letter of motivation and description of the study plan in English (min. 250 words)
- Proof of English language proficiency (DAAD language test at the Language Center, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.)
- Certificate and/or transcript of records from the examination office (in English)
- Copy of passport
- Printout of the LUH online application (this does not have to be signed by a coordinator)
- Letter of reference from a university teacher (in English)
If you are selected to study at a partner university, you undertake to act as a study buddy in Hanover.
At the end of your stay abroad at a partner university, you must submit an experience report.
Please contact your faculty to find out about other existing faculty programs.
The first consultation takes place at the Welcome Center of the International Office, where you can obtain basic information.
You can find the consultation hours under the following link.
For further and more detailed advice, please make an appointment with the exchange coordinator of your faculty.